This year we have set up formal race series interspersed with less formal events. As the season progresses we will provide further details on events by e-mail and will try and provide something for everyone The Supervised Sailing days as a minimum will provide safety boat cover for those wishing to sail. If we can we will try and schedule other activities on these days.
To do this we need additional help from you the members. So apart from OOD duties which we need all members to help with, we would also like to request that i any of you have any ideas or would be prepared to take the lead on an event then please let us know.
If anyone wants to just sail and not take part when a club event is scheduled then that is fine - OODs to note that they are required to provide safety cover to any club member sailing in the vicinity of the club.
Every member has to carry out OOD duties throughout the year. For more information about OOD duties and information about how to swap duties is shown on the OOD Rosta page.
Note that OODs need to arrive at the club at least 1 hour before the advertised event/Race start time in order to open up the club, prepare safety boats, lay course buoys, hold a pre event breifing and so on. Once the event has finished the OODs are responsible for closing up the club, putting equipment away and locking the building and compound
The programme shows training courses currently planned, additional training may be included as the season progresses. Further details for these and any other sessions will be provided on the website, in newsletters and by direct mailshot.
Feel free to contact the committee if there is any particular training you would like. We are generally flexible and add training as and when required.
The nature of training means that places will generally have to be booked in advance – please contact Chris Watson or any committee member for further information.
During club races, and other events there will be safety boat(s) on the water to provide cover for ALL club members. The designated OODs on the day are responsible for providing this cover in accordance with the Club Safety Policy . In addition we have scheduled extra sessions when the Safety Boats will be manned by either instructors/coaches or by experienced sailors who are willing and able to help with advice and informal coaching.
All members, regardless of experience are eligible to compete in any club race, entry being made on the day. All races are handicap races with the exception of Open Meetings. Sailing instructions for these events will be published separately.
Races are sailed under the Rules identified in the Calshot Sailing Club Race Sailing Instructions. Handicaps are determined by the Portsmouth Yardstick Scheme.
Race Start times advertised can only be postponed and will not be any earlier.
Further details will be advertised nearer the time.
All activities will be conducted in accordance with The Club’s Safety Policy and recognised good practice. This policy is available for reference here and in the clubhouse.
CSC Safety Policy
Members must recognise that they participate in club activities at their own risk – it is a principle of Maritime Law that the skipper is solely responsible for the safety of their vessel and crew, in particular the decision as to whether to venture off the shore.